Last April I came across a dusty old photo of a soldier, his dog tags, and a medal, in an antique shop in Edinboro Pennsylvania. The soldier's name was inscribed on the medal. A Google search turned up the life of Chester C. Waller, a physician and skilled surgeon from Vermont. He went to war in France in May of 1918. Before the war, Dr. Waller attended the Methodist Seminary in Montpelier Vermont, attended medical school in Burlington Vermont, and graduated from the Baltimore Medical College in Maryland in 1898. He had 3 children, his first wife died in 1911, a few years after his daughter was born. He remarried in 1913. From there I know little else about Dr. Waller.
The photo on the left is of Dr. Waller in profile, I found it while doing a Google search. My painting is on the right. I am still working on that. Some day I may learn what became of the good doctor and his family.